Home Lending Making your dreams a reality. We have lending options right around the corner.

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Home Lending

Are you ready to settle down in your first home?  Is your new bundle of joy making it necessary to find a bigger home?  Do you want a lake house or beach condo for a prime vacation spot?  Or maybe you’re ready to find a retirement home?  We’re excited for you and would love to help you!  We’ll soon have lending options available to make your castle dreams come true.

Latest News

Check out the latest local and industry news.

Barwick Branch Announcement

Barwick Branch Announcement

Due to the age of our Barwick Main Office as well as recent damage done by Hurricane Idalia, and after lengthy conversations with Engineers and Architects regarding the safety and continued long term use of the branch, we have come to the extremely difficult decision to demolish and completely rebuild our Barwick Main Office.

BBC Named Top Commercial Lender in the US

BBC Named Top Commercial Lender in the US

Independent Community Bankers of America named Barwick Banking Company as the number one commercial lender in the US with less than $300 million in assets. Check out the article on the ICBA's website for more information: Who were ICBA’s Top Lenders of 2022?  ...